Over the last five years we have been sending an annual grant to cover the salary of an ambulance river and the up-keep of the vehicle at Tenzingang settlement. This has been possible through funding from the Eranda Foundation.
Tenzingang is in remote north east India and only has a small health centre on site. The nearest hospital is 45 kms away; not far by western standards but an arduous and testing journey over the local mountainous terrain for patients in need of attention. For any major emergencies or treatment, the nearest fully equipped hospital is 360km away in Tezpur in Assam state.
This year, thankfully, there has only been one major emergency; nonetheless the ambulance has been used on a regular basis, taking patients to hospital for outpatient check-ups, referrals to specialists and pregnancy checks, as well as taking patients to have non-emergency operations. The settlement office has also been using the ambulance once a month to purchase medicines and medical supplies for the settlement’s health clinic.
“The ambulance & driver are more benefitted to community, especially during emergency cases. General health & morale of community has been improved by using ambulance. Thank you!” – Tenzingang settlement officer