Every time you shop on enlightenedgifts.org you support our work with the Tibetan community in India and Nepal.
Here we’re excited to take you behind the scenes…
Stocking up
The process starts with sourcing products. Twice a year, we place large orders through our Project Liaison Officers: Penpa in Nepal and TenNyima in India. They do a brilliant job scouring local markets and coordinating all the items. We are fortunate to have wonderful suppliers, including Tibetan-run businesses, so we can offer you all sorts of unique and ethical products.
It is always exciting when the merchandise arrives, as we get to see new products we are testing, as well as all your returning favourites. Everything is counted in and organised in our stockroom.
Your orders make an impact
Of course, the best part is receiving your orders, which raise funds for our work. Rinchen handles your orders daily, processing and packing them in time for the Royal Mail collection. He includes a handwritten thank you in Tibetan (below), and an additional handwritten thanks to those of you who generously donate at checkout.
Our Christmas catalogue
The busiest time of the year is Christmas. This starts with our catalogue, which is beautifully created by Nyima, and highlights our best sellers and new items. In October, when the catalogue arrives with you, orders start flooding in; during the next eight weeks we process over 650 orders!
Thank you to all our customers – you are making a real difference!
We endeavour to be plastic-free wherever possible: our sellotape and brown tape are plastic-free and use natural glues. Our packaging is mostly paper or compostable postal bags.