Winter Appeal: Please will you donate today to help keep Tsering Dolma safe and warm?

Tsering Dolma moved to Pokhara, Nepal in the 1970’s with her husband. They lived there together for over 40 years. Her husband was one of the heroic freedom fighters who helped protect many Tibetan refugees fleeing from Chinese forces, providing the defence they needed to make a safe passage out of Tibet.

Very sadly Tsering Dolma lost her husband earlier this year, leaving her a widow. Now 88 years old, she finds herself living alone for the first time. Her home has no central heating and during the winter temperatures can drop to below freezing at night.

Can you imagine how much Tsering Dolma misses her husband? The ordeal they shared in fleeing their home in Tibet all those years ago, the memories and stories they shared together means she has lost the one person she could reminisce with. Her husband’s passing has left her feeling vulnerable and lonely, especially as she now faces her first winter without him.

There is currently an urgent need to fund and provide for the ex-freedom fighters and widows who live there. We can’t stress enough how vital your support is to them and how urgently it is needed.

We are determined to help, but without your help Tsering Dolma and her friends face a harsh and cold winter.

By donating, you will support Tsering Dolma and her elderly friends at their most vulnerable time. Your kind support will reassure them and keep them safe and warm this winter. Please give whatever you can today.

£26 could provide a month’s fuel to keep Tsering Dolma warm through the winter
£42 could fund one month’s nutritious food for Tsering Dolma to keep her safe from hunger
£69 could pay for blankets and clothes to keep Tsering Dolma safe and warm

Thank you for your compassion and care for Tibetans in need. We wish you a very safe and warm Christmas this year.
Should we raise enough money to support Tsering Dolma through the winter, we will use your donation to help other Tibetan refugees wherever support is most urgently needed.

Stay informed!

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