Tibet Matters: Getting involved

We want to thank all of you who support Tibetan communities, whether you donate, run a marathon, bid on an auction item or tell a friend about our work. Your support is essential.

Marathons in London and Madrid

Thank you to our fabulous marathon runners!

Chris (above left), a Tibet Relief Fund trustee, ran the Madrid marathon in September and raised £600. Graham (above right) ran the legendary London Marathon in October and raised over £2,000.

I enjoyed every stride. The atmosphere and support was unbelievable!


Alex Echo

We’re really excited to be part of a groundbreaking new fundraising project by artist Alex Echo (right) for
Tibet Relief Fund!

Alex has created ten unique NFTs, each approved by the Dalai Lama’s office. 108 editions of each are available to buy on Hyprr.com.

A huge thank you to Alex for his hard work and dedication to this project.

Could you leave a gift in your will?

Thank you to the many supporters who have left gifts in their wills to Tibet Relief Fund. You have made our future work with Tibetans secure and given them a brighter future.

If you can leave us a gift, please use our charity number: 1061834. Call 020 3119 0041 for your free information pack, or head to tibetrelieffund.co.uk/willpower to make your free online will.

Stay informed!

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