Tibet Matters Annual Review: Over £44,000 in grants sent to on going projects, saving and changing lives

Yushu entrepreneurs – £14,346

Our 2016 grant has been distributed and is now being used by 16 Tibetan entrepreneurs to support their fledgling businesses. All the entrepreneurs have attended a two-aday business skills workshop and are now getting stuck in developing their new businesses.

Ngoenga generator – £8,218

A grant of £7,217 in 2016 enabled Ngoenga school to purchase a new silent generator to provide them backup power during the frequent power cuts in the region. The staff and pupils at the school are thrilled with their new generator and hope it will last them many years to come.

Maternal health training – £5,000

We have given additional funding to provide maternal health training to even more remote villages in east Tibet. This will help more communities learn the basics of health, hygiene and early warning signs in pregnancy, preventing unnecessary deaths of babies and mums.

Tenzingang ambulance – £1,700

Our annual grant covers the salary of an ambulance drive in the remote settlement of Tenzingang (north east India). Last year, the ambulance took 41 people to hospital for check-ups and emergencies – promoting good health and saving lives!

Ngoenga physiotherapist – £2,200

Ngoenga school for Tibetan children with special needs have been able to pay for a physiotherapist to treat the children thanks to this annual grant. Children who get more one-to- one time with the physiotherapist are in less pain and can concentrate more on their schooling, learning the skills they need to be as independent as possible.

Doctors’ salaries – £13,500

Our third and final grant for doctors’ salaries top-ups has allowed seven doctors the extra funds they need to be able to practice in Tibetan settlements. This has ensured good, reliable healthcare for a whopping 46,000 Tibetans across India.

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