Tibet Matter Annual Review: Our aspiring Tibetan nurses

Grant Amount: £1,585

Young aspiring nurses, Pema Bhuti and Kalsang Dolma are now well into their third year of their four-year nursing degrees at Jamia Hamard University, Delhi. They received their exam results in the summer and both girls got great marks… Pema even came second highest in her class with a distinction!

After getting their exam results, both girls went on pilgrimage with their families to celebrate Saka Dawa. They started a new semester this year specialising in oncology and research which they were both very excited about; although Pema has a special interest in psychiatry after her work experience placement in a mental health hospital.

Pema was also lucky enough to attend a talk by the Dalai Lama on the importance of mental health, during which she had the opportunity to speak and ask him a question, an experience she describes as ‘the greatest honour of my life’.

Pema would one day like to share what she has learnt about mental health with the wider Tibetan community because of the traumatic experiences many have suffered. She says that often people might look fine physically, but on the inside they are suffering and need support. Pema plans to look into this further to fill her time over the summer this year – watch this space!

Stay informed!

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