“Our weavers are mainly women and most of them are illiterate. They face many difficulties day to day due to illiteracy. For simple bank transactions they need help to fill out the forms.” Pema Youdon, Tibetan Women’s Centre manager
Will you help Choedon learn to read and write?
Choedon works hard all day weaving carpets and raising her only son. She dropped out of school at 12 because she was struggling with her lessons. Choedon is now 36 years old and can’t read or write.
Choedon’s illiteracy makes life really difficult as she can’t read letters from her sister or fill out official forms.
Every day she has to ask for help with something new.
Choedon doesn’t want to rely on other people for her entire life. She dreams of being able to read to her son and help him do well at school.
A good education could make all the difference.
You can give the gift of literacy to Choedon today.
Your donation will fund free Tibetan and English classes for women at Tibetan Women’s Centre. Learning to read and write will be life-changing for Choedon, and the other women living there.
In Tibet itself, nearly half of all adults cannot read, but at the Women’s Centre the situation is even worse – most of the 67 carpet weavers are illiterate. Imagine how little power you would have over your own life if you couldn’t read or write.
Please will you donate today to help Choedon write her own future?
£26 could equip each woman with pens, paper and study books
£52 could pay for childcare, leaving the mothers free to study
£98 could fund a teacher of Tibetan and English for six weeks
Thank you for caring about Choedon. Your gift will help her break the debilitating cycle of illiteracy and enable her to give her son the best possible start in life.
Should we raise enough to fully fund this project, your donation will be used where most urgently needed to improve life for Tibetans through local education, healthcare and community projects.